•Watershed Arts orders are processed through  PayPal.com.   Pay Pal is the most trusted name in web transactions.  PayPal.com guarantees that your transaction process will be fast, easy, private, and 100% secure.  You will not be forced to open a PayPal account during the process,  although you can if you wish.

•The easiest way to order more than one item is to click the "Add to Cart" button next to each item you want as you browse through the many different pages in the Watershed Arts web system.  Clicking the "Continue Shopping" button on the PayPal page will bring you right back to us.

•Your total,  including shipping,  will be accurately calculated by PayPal.

•All Watershed Arts US domestic orders are shippedby USPS First Class or Priority Mail. .

•Domestic shipping charges are usually $2.95 for orders under $18.00 in total price.  Shipping charges rise as the total value of an order,  and its weight,  increase.  Shipping charges also rise when we ship items overseas.  A single CD shipped to Europe will cost $9.95 in shipping.

•Shipping is free for orders which total more than $100.00.

•Warning: customs duties are sometimes imposed on overseas packages. This seems to happen about 50% of the time.  Our shipping & handling prices do not include customs duties, if any.


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